Hello All!!! I know it has been a long time since our last blog and I am sorry about that. Life in all of its wonders and adventures has kept me very busy and left me little time to do ALL of the things I enjoy... Lacy I will try to get my Bumble bee outfit on from Halloween if I can. I had it on my camera and have no clue as to how, but I erased all of my 300 something pictures off. So, I hope that I have loaded them all on to Brett's computer before I did that, but I have not checked yet. What a nice surprise it will be if I did get them on his computer. I hope so because I really liked my Bee outfit and a couple of the kids that came trick-or-treating did too!!!!
Well, all is very well with us!! Just busy, busy, busy....School will be starting soon and I could not be more excited about that. I am so ready to get back to classes. For anyone who does not know, I have had to set out this semester because I have no other classes to take. I drug my feet about applying to Nursing school that I took all of my classes and then some, so no more classes. I think that could be nice but I love school and hated sitting out.
Needless to say I am so looking forward to school, not only because I am ready for more learning, but I will be learning about NURSING!!!!!! That is the most exciting part possible, LOL!!!!
The wedding plans are coming along wonderfully. I have picked everything but a Florist and I find that to be the hardest part yet. Now that school is starting I am handing all of the planning over to my mom and wedding coordinator Sarah!!! They know what I like and what I want so they are going to finish making the arrangements for me!!! Now, how great is that going to be? I am so excited for this day to come; it could not be anymore perfect. No matter what does or does not happen I know this is going to be the best day of my life so far!!!
I hope all are well and are having Wonderful Holidays with your families and loved ones!!! All are in my thoughts and prayers over these next couple of weeks and I pray everyone has safe travels!!!God Bless!