Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our White Water Group!

This is everyone that went on our White Water trip with us. Richie his girlfreind Sarah, Tricia, and Marshall!!

More White Water pictures!!

Sorry that it took so long to get these pictures up, they came from Sarah's water camera so I had to wait until I saw Brett again to get the disk. Anyways, these pictures are of our group at different spots on the river during our trip!In the top group picture everyone is as follows, Sarah, Richie, Marshall, Hillary, Brett and Tricia. Our guide Milfred is in the third picture on the left next to Marshall.Milfred was a great guide and I know I have said it so many times, but we had such a great trip!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

More pictures from Rafting!

White Water Rafting!!!

This weekend Brett and I went White water rafting with a couple of friends, Richie, his girlfriend Sarah, and Marshall and Tricia,they wrok with Brett! We had a blast, the whole weekend! We even camped in tents the whole weekend. We went down the Ocoee River and camped at Thunder Rock in Ducktown, TN. Well, Ducktown was the closets town my navigational system could find. We went down the whole river, starting at the Upper Portion, moving down through the Olympic Portion, and then down to midlle and lower portions!!! We spent like 5 hours on the water and we were worn plum out!!! Brett and Tricia were thrown from the front of the raft when we went into a rapped. All we saw were thier feet in the air and then them swimming up!! We had a great guide too,Milford and he made our trip! He keep us safe and still showed up the best time!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Our Fireworks for the Fourth!

I bought fireworks for Justin (my cousin), Heather, Brett and I to play with during the day light. I am a sucker for the little ones, the tanks and such! Brett, Justin and I raced our tanks and I WON!!! The funny thing is Brett got his lite first and then Justin. I was having trouble, but my little tank made it through and WON!!!I have the yellow tank, the one up front!! Brett's little tanks starting shooting things out, it was so funny because we did not expect it to!!We had so much fun!!!

More 4th of July!

More of our celebration for the Fourth of July!These pictures are of Kynn, my Aunt and Keaton(his great Aunt, my dad(poppa's) sister), Brett again, Aunt Casey and Keaton, Heather my cousin (Kynn's daughter), and last Brett and I at the picnic pavilion in my Grandparents backyard!

Happy 4th of July!

This July 4th my family got together at my Grandparents house to celebrate! We went swimming and ate and shot firworks!! We had a great time! I love family gathers and spending time with my family!!

The first picture is my dad, Poppa and Keaton! Next is Brett,Rachel (Keaton's mom), Chris (Keaton's dad) and then my mom, Lolly!

Trip to the Beach

My last trip with my dad, Gary and sisters to the beach! Well, not really just as a single women! Next year it will be after Brett and I get married so we'll both go! It was a nice trip with my dad and sisters Brianne and Chelsea. Brittany could not make it this year because she is at Yellowstone working for the Summer! She is having a blast! We went to the beach and spent everyday,but one in the sand. The other day went to the waterpark, Shipwreck Island! That too was a blast!

We ate Great seafood and a ton of Oysters. Bri loves her oysters so we had to make sure she had enough before we went home! You can tell by her appetite that she is my sister. Bri will try anything once and if she loves it she will just keep eating!

We also parasailed once, which I was not the biggest fan of. Just a little scary to me, being suspended in harness over that GREAT BIG ocean. It was something to try. We also boggie boarded alot! The weather was a little cloudy and windy a few days so we had great waves and could really move! We had a really nice time!

Keaton Alan Bain

This is our newest family member, Keaton Alan Bain. Keaton was born June 21st and today he is (2) weeks old!! He weight 7 lbs, 3 oz. He is the son of my brother Chris and his girlfriends Rachel. This name is pasted down from my dad and brother. My dad's name is Richard Alan Bain and my brothers name is Christopher Alan Bain. So, now we have a Keaton Alan!!

So far he just eats and sleeps, but he is doing great!! The pictures of him in the yellow crib, is actually a "Glider". This is the coolest thing I think she got. We found it at Target when my mother, Rachel and I went to help her register for everything. It glides back and forth, fast or slow and plays soft music for Keaton!

Keaton is the first Grandchild for my parents, Poppa(my dad) and Lolly(my mom), and Aunt Casey, Aunt Hillary and Aunt Brittany! Keaton is also the first great grandchild for my Granny and Granddaddy!We were so excited for him to come,my mom and I have been so in love with Connor, Brett and my nephew, Brad and Tara's son. We could barely wait for Keaton to get here too!!!I love them both so so much.

I never knew I could love these little guys as much as I do. I now am beginning to understand how a mothers love is. I am not their mothers and I feel such a Great love for them! I always knew how great it was, but now I am getting another veiw of what it is like.A mothers love is just an amazing gift!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Let the planning begin!!!

Yesterday my mother and I went to our First Bridal Show! We had so much fun looking at all of the things we get to plan! Oh, but by the end of the day we were a little overwhelmed at all of the ideas. My mother keep mental notes of what I really liked and what I kind-of liked, so she has been getting our schedules ready to start planning. I have two Planners to keep me organized!

We have our church booked and a reception hall, but no photographer or catering. My mother and I have this one place in mind, they are wonderful so Brett and I have to decide if we want to use them. I am not getting my hope up for them, because who knows what could happen.

There are just so many things to plan for and so many small details! I am so thankful for my mother, sisters, and Sarah our Wedding Planner. They will keep me from getting so dizzy. There are just so many great ideas out there, I just have a hard time deciding.

Dress shopping is the next big thing!! I can not wait, it will be so much fun! I have one in mind, but I have only seen it on the website. Now, it is time to try on!!!

I will keep postings of how the planning is going, but not to many pictures. I want it to be a Suprise.
I hope all are doing well and God Bless!